Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Duhat (Java Plum)

Duhat which is also known as Java plum (Syzygium cumini), is oblong or round in shape, about the size of a medium to large olive, and possesses a purple to black (when ripe) thin skin and a white pulp surrounding a single seed. The fruit is generally described as “aphud” or astringent and can be distasteful to quite sweet. “Aphud” is a uniquely Filipino description, as the fruit isn’t just astringent, it reacts with your tongue and mouth lining in an almost numbing manner, albeit fleeting.

Duhat are native to India, Burma, Sri Lanka and the Andaman islands and is believed to have made its way to the Philippines in pre-historic times.The tree thrives throughout the archipelago. Extremely hardy, the tree bears fruit in varying degrees of abundance from season to season. When it bears fruit, the trees are messy and smelly.


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